
Fiber Share Anatomy

September 27, 2017

Do you know about FiberShare?  I just finished up my second time doing FiberShare- it is an international yarn and fiber swap- in a nutshell.  The folks that organize it do a great job matching you up with 2 partners- one that you will send to, and one that sends you a box o' goodies.  They do a wonderful job of matching you up in your medium and interests.  The only requirement is that you send at a minimum 200 grams of fiber or yarn.  There is no spending limits high or low.  You can pull from your stash, shop, make- it is up to you.  Of course a few fun goodies is up to the sender!

And did I mention the trolling?  You get to troll (in a good way) your partner's social media spots; Instagram, Revelry, etc. . . to get a feel of what they like in fiber and colors.

So this was my second round and so far both of my partners that mailed to me spoiled me rotten!  In fact the yarn that I just dyed with came from my first partner swap.

I thought I would share a glimpse of what I received in this round.  Some tantalizing Rowan warm, cozy, natural British wool- be still my "I want to go to the UK" heart!  She also included some lovely Valley Yarn and a Madelintosh I adore.  Sprinkled with some sweet little mini Yarn-Rehab skeins that I think will back some awesome weavings or accent pieces to the Valley Yarn.  To top it all off there were some sweet buttons, tea, and dark chocolate in just the right dark chocolate percentage for me to enjoy all neatly tucked in a canvas bag that just so happens to match my bike.  How sweet!

Thank you to my partner and to the fantastic gals making all the match making magic happen behind the scenes!

I will share my Fiber Share Anatomy Part 2 next time after I am sure my partner has received her box- no spoilers here!

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