
June 10, 2020

Listening, witnessing, learning.  A friend of mine shared this quote and I also saw it at our community Black Lives Matter protest march.  

"I understand that I will never understand. But I stand." 

It captures the place of accepting and learning about my white privilege.  I stand with my community, I stand for learning about myself and how I can be a better human and hopefully teach my sons to be better humans and be honest with themselves about their privilege and mistakes they are making.  I am sure I have made mistakes, I am sure I will make more but I want to stand with my local community, my maker community, my world to try and do better.

Some of the resources that I want to share for this post include:

New BIPOC in Fiber directory that just launched.  Many powerful conversations that happened in the past year in the fiber community.  This is a great resources to support BIPOC fiber makers.

The Drunk Knitter launched a MKAL book club for The Bluest Eye

Go Fund Me for Henry Kirklin grave marker, an important African American entrepreneur and farmer in my community.  Thank you to a fellow fiber friend that shared this today.  I learned more about Henry and the impact he had on my community.  

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