berry life

May 21, 2017

Taking just a little side break from all the knitting talk to share in a moment of our berry life.  I live in a pretty central urban part of my community.  We have heavy clay soil since our neighborhood was built on fill back in the 50's but we managed to carve out a little berry patch a couple years ago.  It is not nearly as big as what I grew up with but it has been a complete joy to have delicious food out of this patch for a few weeks in the spring.

We are just about past the prime of the berries but all in all this little 15 ish foot patch gave us about 3 plus gallons of berries.  We shared with family and filled our bellies.  Today I attempted to make a dessert that was refined sugar free to take to my sister in law's b-day party down by the river this afternoon.  I am not sure if it is a Pinterest fail or not yet.  I just about burnt up the motor on the food processor this morning chopping up the almonds!  I will let you know the verdict after we sample them!  (Note I did cut back half the dates and replaced maple syrup with a teaspoon of agave)

So cheers to sunny afternoons, heading to the river, and growing a little patch of food in your own yard!

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