Knit Your Own Adventure Part 1 Memphis, New Orleans and plan B!
July 11, 2017So I am starting to go through our vacation photos and am ready to start sharing in some of our adventures. As I shared we had been planning this two week road trip adventure to take our boys to the beach. We had not gone to the beach together as family and here we are with this teen and pre-teen boys so we decided to go for it and planned out our southern trip starting off in some fun cities like Memphis and New Orleans before spending a week on the beach in the gulf and then finishing up with other cities like Savannah, Charleston, Asheville and Nashville.
About a month prior I thought it would be fun to get a custom camp mug made since I would be taking my knitting with me. In fact I take my knitting with me on all adventures and like the idea of carrying my own reusable cup while traveling. What I did not know what how the design I made would be telling of the future! Big shout out to fellow Etsy artist Driinky for the awesome job on the mug and shipping it super fast.
Our first day we drove to Memphis. We pulled in that evening and set out to find Beale street and some yummy dinner. I ran into a school mate from my younger days- it was fun to find her on Beale street while she was visiting a friend and they gave us a recommendation on yummy BBQ to eat. The boys requested to go by the Bass Pro pyramid before we left town and found a camping spot for the night.
The next morning we packed up and made our way to New Orleans. It had been too long since I had been to this fun town. We had our first Air BnB experience and stayed in the Garden District. Oh the fresh oysters, crawfish, chicory coffee, and shrimp! We walked, took the trolley and explored the Garden District and the French Quarter for a few days.
About half way through our second day in New Orleans we started hearing folks talk about rain- lots of rain coming the next day. Then my folks texted us and told us about a potential tropical storm heading our way. As we finished dinner and went back to the flat we were staying in, we started to see the impact of what was headed right where our beach destination was. It only took about half an hour of looking at weather projections to decide to pack up and leave New Orleans early (we were planning on heading out the next morning on the original plan) and get some distance from the approaching storm. So we sadly packed up and said goodbye to our hosts and drove a couple hours north in Mississippi and hoped that maybe this storm would pass!
After sleeping for a few hours and catching some breakfast and weather channel the next morning we decided to go an hour east still hopeful the storm would pass. The rain had already set in. We found a hotel with a pool, hot food and bar! We still did not know what we were going to do. The next morning it was more evident the true impact of this tropical storm- now named Cindy. It was going to not only impact several of the beaches in Florida but also the other areas in the South that we were planning on going after the beach. We made a gutsy decision to just scrap it all and head West!
We had camping supplies with us so we looked through the atlas and set our sights on Southern Colorado! It was a tough couple of days of driving through Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas but once we hit New Mexico the mountains started to show themselves and we got some space from the rain!
We found fun spots along the way and started chanting our "I Hate Cindy" (the tropical storm) song all along the way. By now you understand that though the mountains were not going to be the original focus of this family and knitting adventure- it now was integral to our vacation plan B! Who knew how telling my cup would be! Knit Your Own Adventure Part 2 coming soon!