
finally linen

October 29, 2017

What was meant to be my summer shirt exploring knitting with linen has finally come off the needles and is going to first be a fall, winter and spring shirt before it is my summer shirt!  A certain welcome blanket knitting project hijacked my knitting this summer so I just finished this bad boy.

For this shirt I chose the shirt pattern by Kat Coyle who also did the Pussyhat pattern.  I used Euroflax and did my shirt a bit longer than the pattern called for.  At first I thought the linen was a beast to wind and a little strange to knit with.  It was very stiff.  But it continued to soften over time and in the end I am in love.

I just did a quick wet block before I seamed it all together and I look forward to the washings and drying as I heard it only gets softer over time.  I am looking forward to taking on more linen knitting in my life!

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